Ernesto VH3 Tobacco Burst (first generation)
Petti Backing Tracks for Guitar and other instruments allow you to practice your guitar playing over backing tracks in many styles and genres over different scales. Backing tracks provide chord progressions and scales to follow along as well. A perfect resource for learning to play and jamming out.
Make sure to follow Petti Guitar Backing Tracks on Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram! Lot's of special content on there - not just guitar backing track posts. Look for gear posts and posts of other people playing over Petti Guitar Backing Tracks.
Additionally, check out the Quattro Sonic band page for upcoming shows, songs, and more information, link below.
Links to Petti Backing Tracks

Petti Backing Tracks on Bandcamp
Petti Backing Tracks on YouTube
Petti Backing Tracks on Facebook
Petti Backing Tracks on Instagram
Band Website
Visit Quattro Sonic Facebook Page, too!