I wanted a guitar that approximated the sound on the best Altheas. I'm not a fan boy -- having a guitar that "looks like Jerry's" seemed a bit embarrassing. So, I delayed a long time between learning of Phred Instruments and placing the order. It was a bit weird waiting for the long interval between placing the order and the guitar actually arriving. My wife and I would joke that it was probably on a container ship circling the Long Beach port (it being a "pandemic" and all). Would it be a great guitar or a silly "replica"? Would it even show up? Then again, we read Jerry waited 5 yrs or so for the Tiger ... I don't have any high-end guitars, but I have a number of decent-ish low end versions. All my guitars are "custom" in the sense that I am left handed and therefore cannot walk into a guitar store and pick a guitar that suits my playing -- I have to order a left hand "stock" guitar and hope I get a decent one (paying full retail, of course). As others have noted, the Liger is beautiful, but that's not really the point for me. (Well, it is part of the point, of course, so the guitar gets a place of honor in the living room!) The weight and construction of the guitar give it wonderful sustain and control, even if you didn't happen to plug it in yet. Playing endless jams on my looper, the control I have over the sound is fantastic. The electronics provide a range of interesting variations, though I tend to find settings I like and stick with them. As for OBEL, I didn't really understand what it was until the Liger showed up. I didn't get an OBEL box, but I was able to utilize it with a "balanced" (stereo) cable I had. And, it solved an issue, b/c I have a modeling effects pedal AND a voice / looper box that didn't play nice together. I run the OBEL jack to the effects pedal and the guitar jack to the looper. Done. With the OBEL switch on, the signal goes to the effects, back to the guitar and out to the looper. With the OBEL switch off, the raw guitar signal goes to the looper. The raw guitar feed has extreme & wonderful clarity along with unenhanced sustain (compared to my other guitars). I shouldn't tell Feddy this, but my Liger was cheaper than my stock L/H famous guitar company guitar that I do not "love a lot" (but which I purchased chasing the action and sound I get from the LIger). I have only one regret -- that I did not order the Liger the day I first found the Phred Instrument website!
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